Make A True Change
Our organization always appreciates the generosity and involvement of people like you, with every contribution going towards making Adopt A Cat Inc. an even better Animal Rescue and Sanctuary.
We want to provide you with the correct and appropriate information in regard to your mode of support, so don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions.
Our wish list's depict supplies that we need the most of at any point in time and helps to facilitate donations from our supporters.
We strongly welcome more affordable options outside of these list's as well!
Donations can be shipped or dropped off to:
17319 Bamwood Dr., Houston, Tx 77090
Donate directly to AAC or run a campaign on our behalf!
We know that not everyone who wishes to support our cause can do so monetarily, and with this fundraising option we hope to give you the opportunity to help as easily as possible!
Do you have many friends, family, coworkers, and neighbors in your life who may be looking to support a good cause but don't know where to start? Share our campaign with them to help us meet our goal!
Just click the "Fundraise" button and it will walk you through the easy, low-hassle process.
At Adopt A Cat, we are determined to make a positive impact not only in the welfare of cats, but in the health and sustainability of the planet.
Learn more below about our new creative fundraising campaign that is our most recent step towards this effort.

What is GotSneakers?
GotSneakers has developed a unique fundraising program that asks communities to reach into their closets, not their pockets!
The sneaker recycling program helps keeps sneakers out of landfills, which has harmful effects on our environment, and helps organizations like ours raise much needed funds.
The program is truly a win – win! Learn more about GotSneakers by visiting their website at www.gotsneakers.com.

How to donate towards our campaign
Start in your and your family’s closets and gather as many pair of sneakers that you no longer want; maybe you’ve out-grown them, they’re out of style, or out of season. If you and your household have 20 pairs, great! If not, don’t worry. You can ask your neighbors, friends, co-workers, and anyone in your social networks to help out. Every pair counts!
The sneakers that we all collect will help raise money to support our program AND will help our environment by keeping sneakers out of landfills.

General rules about the sneakers we can accept
GotSneaker's message on acceptable shoes:
"We DO NOT accept non-athletic footwear of any kind including but not limited to: dress shoes, heels, sandals, wedges, water socks, rain boots, crocs, and other non-athletic styles. If you have non-athletic footwear that you would like to recycle, we recommend finding a local charity, homeless shelter, or other organization that will accept non-athletic footwear."
If you are not sure if you sneakers will be accepted, you can check the more detailed breakdown of what we can and can not accept linked below.

Where and how you can donate your sneakers
Shoes that fit within the sneaker guidelines provided by GotSneakers can be brought to Adopt A Cat in person at:
17319 Bamwood Dr.
Houston, Texas 77090
Bags are provided to us directly to put your shoes in for shipping, so all you have to do is drop them off with a staff member or inside our collection bin, which will either be outside of the shelter in our driveway or inside the shelter office.
Anyone who is interested in donating their sneakers but does not live within a driveable distance from the shelter can mail their shoes to us, but will have to cover the shipping cost.
We are so happy you’re interested in getting involved with our work here at Adopt A Cat Inc.. There are so many ways for you to help, and we truly appreciate each and every effort. By lending your support, you’ll become a valuable part of our Animal Shelter and help to strengthen our operations.